Claim Your Profile

Our goal is to help you streamline your workflow and improve patient satisfaction, while also making it easier for prospective patients to find you and book appointments with you.
So why wait? Join our community of healthcare providers today and experience the power Navierre.
Woman with file

Navierre Benefits


Set your own schedule

Take control over how your schedule is structured. Make your calendar visible or keep it private. Set your working hours and block off times for lunch or longer breaks.


Extend your reach

Patients searching for healthcare providers in your area will be able to find you easily and quickly, helping you grow your practice and increase your patient base.


Improved patient care

Access to patient data, such as medical history, medical records, medications, and insurance information, among other details, helps you provide better, more personalized care to your patients

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How It Works

In three easy steps, you'll be ready to begin enjoying

the benefits of Navierre.

Find and confirm your profile

Search for your profile or practice, select the correct profile from the search results, and confirm your identity.

Verify your identity

Help us verify your identity by providing some information about yourself, such as your email and ID number.

Claim ownership of your profile

Claim ownership of your profile once the verification process is complete, and gain access to all the features and benefits of Navierre.