How do I know what doctor to choose?

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If you’re unsure of what provider or specialist to see, our Symptom Finder can match you to the right specialist for your needs.

  1. Log in to your Navierre account
  2. Click on ‘Appointments’ in the menu options
  3. Scroll down and click ‘Add Appointment’
  4. Select who the appointment is for
  5. Under “Don’t know who you want to see?” on the top right of the page, click on ‘Let’s Go’
  6. Enter your location and click ‘Next’
  7. Add your insurance information if you have one. Otherwise, select ‘Don’t have an Insurance’ and click ‘Next’
  8. Select your symptom(s) and click on ‘Next’
  9. Select a provider from the list of recommended providers click on ‘Book’ or ‘Request’ to schedule an appointment
  10. Choose the location closest to you from the dropdown
  11. Click ‘Next’

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